EmidonClo (Old Aguata Best Rapper) Ready to drop a track for his fans

Song title: My fans.
Produced by : Chimex (@chimex_blackbeard).
Song Details:
My fan is a track among my songs dedicated to those who has been loyal and supporting to my career. I can’t thank them one by one but with this track they will understand that I love them.
Chimex did the beat and called me to vibe on it. Before then I have always wanted to do something for the fans, so when I heard the beat, I knew it was dope and good to go.
EmidonClo & Music:
I can’t really explain but me and music can’t be separated. Its my life and everything to me. I just pray my works get to the right ears and hopefully get a deal. Being an artist and promoting your brand is stressful. I hope 2019 will be better.
Advice to fans:
We are all in different paths heading to the top, mind your lane and focus. We all go make am.
Contact info: 07068526377 or +234 814 079 4940.
Facebook : Emidon Clo | Chukwu Mezie.
Instagram : officialemidonclo
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